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force down

  • 1 חבט

    חָבַט(b. h.; cmp. חבש, הבל) ( to use force, 1) to press down. Erub.42b תקרת … חוֹבֶטֶת the roofing of the house presses upon him (keeps him mindful of the Sabbath limit); v. חָבוּט. B. Mets.80b חֲבָטוֹ לאלתר (Ar. חבסו, v. חָבַס) the load pressed him down immediately (before he could find out that it was too heavy for him). Snh.19b חֲבָטָן בקרקע pressed them into the ground. Succ.IV, 6 (45a) חוֹבְטִין אותןע״ג קרקע בצידי המזבח Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) they laid them down closely upon one another on the ground by the altar (opp. to זוקפין, Ib. IV, 4). Keth.39a צער שחֲבָטָהּע״גוכ׳ ‘the pain (Mish. ib. 3:4) refers to his pressing her down on the hard ground. 2) to force, to knock open, esp. to knock upon olives to make them burst, before putting them under the press, or upon ears to thresh the grain out. Ex. R. s. 36, beg. מורידין … ונחבט ומשחוֹבְטִיןוכ׳ they take the olive down and it is knocked upon, and after knocking it, they put it into the vat (corresp. to כתש, Men.VIII, 4). Ib. באין או״ה … וחובטין … ממקיםוכ׳ the gentiles come and knock them (the Israelites) from place to place. Men.X, 4; a. e.Part. pass. חָבוּט mashed. Sabb.80b בח׳ when the lime is mashed (and mixed with water); Y. ib. VIII, 11b bot. בחביט (corr. acc.). 3) to lay down for receiving lashes, in gen. to punish, bind over. Gitt.IX, 8 ובנכרים חובטין אותווכ׳ but when the gentile authorities bind him over and say, Do as the Israelites tell thee, (the letter of divorce so enforced) is valid (differ. vers. in Y. ed.); Tosef.Yeb. XII, 13.Tosef.Sot.XV, 7 מסרוהו לבעל זמורה וחֲבָטוֹ ed. Zuck. Var. (Y. Ib. IX, 24b top וחבשו) they gave him in charge of the rod-bearer (v. זְמוֹרָה), and he tried to force him (into submission). Midd. I, 2 חוֹבְטוֹ במקלו he punishes him with his cane. Nif. נֶחְבַּט to be knocked upon; to strike against. Ex. R. s. 36, v. supra.Keth.36b מפני שנֶחְבֶּטֶתוכ׳ because the blind girl may have struck against something (and fallen, so as to have lost her virginity by the shock). Ḥull.51b עוף שנ׳ עלוכ׳ a bird that fell with force upon water.Koh. R. to VII, 8, v. infra. Pi. חִיבֵּט to press down, throw down. Keth. l. c. חִיבְּטָהּע״ג שיראין if he forced her down on (soft) silk garments. Hithpa. חִתְחַבֵּט, נִתְחַבֵּט to prostrate ones self (in prayer, in deep commotion). Gen. R. s. 91 חיה מִתְחַבֵּט לפני רגליווכ׳ he threw himself to the feet of every one (with ref. to Gen. 42:21). Ib. s. 70; Num. R. s. 8, end; Yalk. Gen. 123 דבר שנתח׳וכ׳ a thing for which that patriarch (Jacob) begged in prostration; Koh. R. to VII, 8 שנֶחְבַּט. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. עכשיו הוא מתחנן ומתח׳ now he supplicates and prostrates himself; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חבט

  • 2 חָבַט

    חָבַט(b. h.; cmp. חבש, הבל) ( to use force, 1) to press down. Erub.42b תקרת … חוֹבֶטֶת the roofing of the house presses upon him (keeps him mindful of the Sabbath limit); v. חָבוּט. B. Mets.80b חֲבָטוֹ לאלתר (Ar. חבסו, v. חָבַס) the load pressed him down immediately (before he could find out that it was too heavy for him). Snh.19b חֲבָטָן בקרקע pressed them into the ground. Succ.IV, 6 (45a) חוֹבְטִין אותןע״ג קרקע בצידי המזבח Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) they laid them down closely upon one another on the ground by the altar (opp. to זוקפין, Ib. IV, 4). Keth.39a צער שחֲבָטָהּע״גוכ׳ ‘the pain (Mish. ib. 3:4) refers to his pressing her down on the hard ground. 2) to force, to knock open, esp. to knock upon olives to make them burst, before putting them under the press, or upon ears to thresh the grain out. Ex. R. s. 36, beg. מורידין … ונחבט ומשחוֹבְטִיןוכ׳ they take the olive down and it is knocked upon, and after knocking it, they put it into the vat (corresp. to כתש, Men.VIII, 4). Ib. באין או״ה … וחובטין … ממקיםוכ׳ the gentiles come and knock them (the Israelites) from place to place. Men.X, 4; a. e.Part. pass. חָבוּט mashed. Sabb.80b בח׳ when the lime is mashed (and mixed with water); Y. ib. VIII, 11b bot. בחביט (corr. acc.). 3) to lay down for receiving lashes, in gen. to punish, bind over. Gitt.IX, 8 ובנכרים חובטין אותווכ׳ but when the gentile authorities bind him over and say, Do as the Israelites tell thee, (the letter of divorce so enforced) is valid (differ. vers. in Y. ed.); Tosef.Yeb. XII, 13.Tosef.Sot.XV, 7 מסרוהו לבעל זמורה וחֲבָטוֹ ed. Zuck. Var. (Y. Ib. IX, 24b top וחבשו) they gave him in charge of the rod-bearer (v. זְמוֹרָה), and he tried to force him (into submission). Midd. I, 2 חוֹבְטוֹ במקלו he punishes him with his cane. Nif. נֶחְבַּט to be knocked upon; to strike against. Ex. R. s. 36, v. supra.Keth.36b מפני שנֶחְבֶּטֶתוכ׳ because the blind girl may have struck against something (and fallen, so as to have lost her virginity by the shock). Ḥull.51b עוף שנ׳ עלוכ׳ a bird that fell with force upon water.Koh. R. to VII, 8, v. infra. Pi. חִיבֵּט to press down, throw down. Keth. l. c. חִיבְּטָהּע״ג שיראין if he forced her down on (soft) silk garments. Hithpa. חִתְחַבֵּט, נִתְחַבֵּט to prostrate ones self (in prayer, in deep commotion). Gen. R. s. 91 חיה מִתְחַבֵּט לפני רגליווכ׳ he threw himself to the feet of every one (with ref. to Gen. 42:21). Ib. s. 70; Num. R. s. 8, end; Yalk. Gen. 123 דבר שנתח׳וכ׳ a thing for which that patriarch (Jacob) begged in prostration; Koh. R. to VII, 8 שנֶחְבַּט. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. עכשיו הוא מתחנן ומתח׳ now he supplicates and prostrates himself; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חָבַט

  • 3 כפי

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כפי

  • 4 כפא

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כפא

  • 5 כָּפָא

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כָּפָא

  • 6 כָּפָה

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כָּפָה

  • 7 רשל

    רָשַׁלto be lax, hang down, flap. Pi. רִשֵּׁל to weaken, break the force of. Gen. R. s. 24; Lev. R. s. 15; Yalk. Kings 219 the Lord מְרַשְּׁלוֹ בהרים breaks it (the force of the wind) through the mountains (v. חָשִׁל). Num. R. s. 9, beg. הנואף … מְרַשֵּׁלוכ׳ the adulterer, if one may say so, weakens the power of Deity; a. e.Part. pass. מְרוּשָּׁל; pl. מְרוּשָּׁלִין hanging down, trailing. Tosef.Men.I, 8 היו מר׳ ומסולקיןוכ׳ if the priests garments are trailing and tucked up (by the girdle), or threadbare ; Zeb.18a היו מר׳ מסולקיןוכ׳ if they are too long, or too short, or Ib. b מר׳ משרין מסולקיןוכ׳ if they are too long, they are fit for service, if too short, they are unfit; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְרַשֵּׁל, Nithpa. נִתְרַשֵּׁל to be relaxed, weakened. Num. R. l. c. כיון ששמע … נִתְרַשְּׁלוּ ידיו when the artist heard (that the king whose picture he was going to paint was dead), his hands sank down (he was undecided). Koh. R. to VII, 1 נתגעשו ונתרשלווכ׳ the Israelites were too excited (busy with their own affairs) and too indifferent to attend to Joshuas burial, v. גָּעַש. Tanḥ. Shlaḥ 2 אף … נתרשלו ידם even Moses and Aaron felt themselves powerless; Num. R. s. 162> נתר׳ את ידם. Tanḥ. l. c. אתם … אלא נִתְרַשַּׁלְתֶּם you do not find your hands (you are helpless) and give it up in despair; (Num. l. c. כשלתם); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > רשל

  • 8 רָשַׁל

    רָשַׁלto be lax, hang down, flap. Pi. רִשֵּׁל to weaken, break the force of. Gen. R. s. 24; Lev. R. s. 15; Yalk. Kings 219 the Lord מְרַשְּׁלוֹ בהרים breaks it (the force of the wind) through the mountains (v. חָשִׁל). Num. R. s. 9, beg. הנואף … מְרַשֵּׁלוכ׳ the adulterer, if one may say so, weakens the power of Deity; a. e.Part. pass. מְרוּשָּׁל; pl. מְרוּשָּׁלִין hanging down, trailing. Tosef.Men.I, 8 היו מר׳ ומסולקיןוכ׳ if the priests garments are trailing and tucked up (by the girdle), or threadbare ; Zeb.18a היו מר׳ מסולקיןוכ׳ if they are too long, or too short, or Ib. b מר׳ משרין מסולקיןוכ׳ if they are too long, they are fit for service, if too short, they are unfit; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְרַשֵּׁל, Nithpa. נִתְרַשֵּׁל to be relaxed, weakened. Num. R. l. c. כיון ששמע … נִתְרַשְּׁלוּ ידיו when the artist heard (that the king whose picture he was going to paint was dead), his hands sank down (he was undecided). Koh. R. to VII, 1 נתגעשו ונתרשלווכ׳ the Israelites were too excited (busy with their own affairs) and too indifferent to attend to Joshuas burial, v. גָּעַש. Tanḥ. Shlaḥ 2 אף … נתרשלו ידם even Moses and Aaron felt themselves powerless; Num. R. s. 162> נתר׳ את ידם. Tanḥ. l. c. אתם … אלא נִתְרַשַּׁלְתֶּם you do not find your hands (you are helpless) and give it up in despair; (Num. l. c. כשלתם); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > רָשַׁל

  • 9 טרף I, טריף

    טְרַףI, טְרֵיף ch. sam(טרף to move with vehemence), 1) to take by force, seize. B. Mets.14a אתי … וטַרְפָהּ מיניה (not וטרפא) the creditor came and took it from him (by legal seizure); ib. וקא טָרֵיף ליה מיניה (Ms. H. וטַרְפָהּ מיניה).ט׳ לקוחות to seize property sold by the debtor, v. לְקוּחוֹת. Ib. 19a; a. fr. 2) to throw, strike, knock down. Y.Snh.X, 29a וטָרֵיף לון לארעא and let them fall down. Lam. R. to I, 5 ויִטְרוֹף גרמיה and let him throw himself down. Ib. to IV, 2 טְרוֹף קולתיךוכ׳ cast down thy pitcher before me; a. fr. 3) to knock at, shake, rap. Ber.28a ט׳ אבבא knocked at the door. Snh.97a.Ib. 67b ט׳ ליה בטבלא he struck the tabla before him; a. v. fr.Trnsf. to carp at, to contest the validity of a decision. Y.Snh.I, beg.18a בעי מִיטְרוֹף wanted to protest (against R. Isaacs decision because he acted as a single judge). 5) to declare trefah. Ḥull.10b. Ib. 48b סבר … למִיטְרְפָהּ Mar … wanted to declare it trefah; a. fr.Part. pass. טָרִיף a) struck down (in the agony of death). Targ. Jud. 3:25; 4:22 (h. text נֹפֵל). Lam. R. to IV, 5 טְרִיפִין בקיקלא (not טריפון) lying on dunghills.b) thrown away. Y.Snh.X, 29a top הא טריפין לך they are thrown down before thee (cmp. טְרוּן).c) (denom. of טרפא, v. טָרוּף) spotted, full of incisions; planed. Ned.25a; Shebi.29b, v. טָרוּף.Y.Shebu.I, end, 33c א״ר יודן כד טריפן לעיביה, read with R. S. to Shebi. I, 8: א״ר יודן בר טרפון or טריפון, לעוביה being a corrupt tautography of ליעז׳ב״י = ליעזר בן יעקב. Pa. טָרֵיף 1) to knock, strike, dash. Targ. 2 Kings 8:12 (h. text רטש). Targ. Nah. 2:8 (h. text תפף). 2) to prey, wait for prey. Targ. Prov. 23:28 מְטָרֵף. 3) to drive about. Part. pass. מְטַרַף. Targ. Y. I Ex. 14:3 (ed. Amst. מִטַּ׳ Ithpa.). Targ. Y. II Num. 12:12 מְטַרָפָא.Trnsf. to agitate, trouble, v. infra. Ithpa. אִיטָּרֵיף, Ithpe. אִיטְּרִיף 1) to be knocked about, dashed; to be tossed about; to be in spasms. Targ. Is. 13:16. Ib. 51:20; a. e.Lev. R. s. 12 beg. כהד׳ אילפא דמִיטָּרְפָאוכ׳ like the ship that is tossed about in the breakers Snh.95a אתו יונה אי׳ קמיה a dove came down and rolled before him in spasms.Trnsf. to be agitated, troubled. Targ. Gen. 41:8 (some ed. מְטַר׳ Part. pass. Pa., v. supra). Targ. Ps. 77:5; a. fr.Y.Taan.I, 64b bot. למה אִיטָּרְפוּן … להכא why did the rabbis (you) take the trouble of coming hither. 2) to be spotted, full, of incisions, v. supra a. טָרוּף. 3) to become, or be trefah. Ḥull.57b במידי דמִיטָּרְפָה בה in the same limb through the mutilation of which the animal became trefah. Ib. 48a דלאו מיניה מיטָּרְפָא where the cause of its being trefah lies not in the mutilated limb itself.

    Jewish literature > טרף I, טריף

  • 10 טְרַף

    טְרַףI, טְרֵיף ch. sam(טרף to move with vehemence), 1) to take by force, seize. B. Mets.14a אתי … וטַרְפָהּ מיניה (not וטרפא) the creditor came and took it from him (by legal seizure); ib. וקא טָרֵיף ליה מיניה (Ms. H. וטַרְפָהּ מיניה).ט׳ לקוחות to seize property sold by the debtor, v. לְקוּחוֹת. Ib. 19a; a. fr. 2) to throw, strike, knock down. Y.Snh.X, 29a וטָרֵיף לון לארעא and let them fall down. Lam. R. to I, 5 ויִטְרוֹף גרמיה and let him throw himself down. Ib. to IV, 2 טְרוֹף קולתיךוכ׳ cast down thy pitcher before me; a. fr. 3) to knock at, shake, rap. Ber.28a ט׳ אבבא knocked at the door. Snh.97a.Ib. 67b ט׳ ליה בטבלא he struck the tabla before him; a. v. fr.Trnsf. to carp at, to contest the validity of a decision. Y.Snh.I, beg.18a בעי מִיטְרוֹף wanted to protest (against R. Isaacs decision because he acted as a single judge). 5) to declare trefah. Ḥull.10b. Ib. 48b סבר … למִיטְרְפָהּ Mar … wanted to declare it trefah; a. fr.Part. pass. טָרִיף a) struck down (in the agony of death). Targ. Jud. 3:25; 4:22 (h. text נֹפֵל). Lam. R. to IV, 5 טְרִיפִין בקיקלא (not טריפון) lying on dunghills.b) thrown away. Y.Snh.X, 29a top הא טריפין לך they are thrown down before thee (cmp. טְרוּן).c) (denom. of טרפא, v. טָרוּף) spotted, full of incisions; planed. Ned.25a; Shebi.29b, v. טָרוּף.Y.Shebu.I, end, 33c א״ר יודן כד טריפן לעיביה, read with R. S. to Shebi. I, 8: א״ר יודן בר טרפון or טריפון, לעוביה being a corrupt tautography of ליעז׳ב״י = ליעזר בן יעקב. Pa. טָרֵיף 1) to knock, strike, dash. Targ. 2 Kings 8:12 (h. text רטש). Targ. Nah. 2:8 (h. text תפף). 2) to prey, wait for prey. Targ. Prov. 23:28 מְטָרֵף. 3) to drive about. Part. pass. מְטַרַף. Targ. Y. I Ex. 14:3 (ed. Amst. מִטַּ׳ Ithpa.). Targ. Y. II Num. 12:12 מְטַרָפָא.Trnsf. to agitate, trouble, v. infra. Ithpa. אִיטָּרֵיף, Ithpe. אִיטְּרִיף 1) to be knocked about, dashed; to be tossed about; to be in spasms. Targ. Is. 13:16. Ib. 51:20; a. e.Lev. R. s. 12 beg. כהד׳ אילפא דמִיטָּרְפָאוכ׳ like the ship that is tossed about in the breakers Snh.95a אתו יונה אי׳ קמיה a dove came down and rolled before him in spasms.Trnsf. to be agitated, troubled. Targ. Gen. 41:8 (some ed. מְטַר׳ Part. pass. Pa., v. supra). Targ. Ps. 77:5; a. fr.Y.Taan.I, 64b bot. למה אִיטָּרְפוּן … להכא why did the rabbis (you) take the trouble of coming hither. 2) to be spotted, full, of incisions, v. supra a. טָרוּף. 3) to become, or be trefah. Ḥull.57b במידי דמִיטָּרְפָה בה in the same limb through the mutilation of which the animal became trefah. Ib. 48a דלאו מיניה מיטָּרְפָא where the cause of its being trefah lies not in the mutilated limb itself.

    Jewish literature > טְרַף

  • 11 חבט

    חֲבַט, חֲבֵיטch. sam(חבט to use force), 1) to knock; to strike, punish. Targ. O. Deut. 24:20. Targ. Jud. 6:11. Targ. Is. 28:27 (Regia: מְחַבְּטִין Pa.).Targ. Prov. 28:3 מטרא חָבֵיטָא (not חֲבִיטָא) a prostrating rain (h. text סחף). Y.Sabb.XVII, 16b top דו חָבֵיט ביה; Y.Bets. I, 60c חֲבַט, v. זַיָּירָא.Gen. R. s. 7, a. e. חֲבוֹט חבטך, v. חֲבָטָא. B. Bath.58a חֲבוֹטוּ (not חובטו), v. חֲבִיטָא. 2) to throw down. Y.Snh.VI, 23c top חַבְטִין תורא בחילא Ash. to Ḥull.51a (ed. בחייליה) threw an ox down with force (before slaughtering).Part. pass. חְבִיט, f. חֲבִיטָא prostrated. Keth.10a מברכתא ח׳ ליה is Mabrakhta (i. e. all the women of ill repute of M.) prostrated before him (so that he is an expert in such matters)? Y.Sabb.VIII, 11b bot. בחביט, v. preced. Pa. חַבֵּיט to shake, agitate. Targ. Y. Num. 25:8 (ed. Amst. Pe.) he shook (the spear). Targ. Esth. 6:1.Succ.44b ח׳ ח׳ ולאוכ׳ he shook it repeatedly but said no benediction. Ithpa. אִיחַבֵּט as preced. Nif. Keth.36b כולהו במי חַבּוּטֵי מִיחַבְּטֵי all girls (even if not blind) may receive a shock by falling.

    Jewish literature > חבט

  • 12 חביט

    חֲבַט, חֲבֵיטch. sam(חבט to use force), 1) to knock; to strike, punish. Targ. O. Deut. 24:20. Targ. Jud. 6:11. Targ. Is. 28:27 (Regia: מְחַבְּטִין Pa.).Targ. Prov. 28:3 מטרא חָבֵיטָא (not חֲבִיטָא) a prostrating rain (h. text סחף). Y.Sabb.XVII, 16b top דו חָבֵיט ביה; Y.Bets. I, 60c חֲבַט, v. זַיָּירָא.Gen. R. s. 7, a. e. חֲבוֹט חבטך, v. חֲבָטָא. B. Bath.58a חֲבוֹטוּ (not חובטו), v. חֲבִיטָא. 2) to throw down. Y.Snh.VI, 23c top חַבְטִין תורא בחילא Ash. to Ḥull.51a (ed. בחייליה) threw an ox down with force (before slaughtering).Part. pass. חְבִיט, f. חֲבִיטָא prostrated. Keth.10a מברכתא ח׳ ליה is Mabrakhta (i. e. all the women of ill repute of M.) prostrated before him (so that he is an expert in such matters)? Y.Sabb.VIII, 11b bot. בחביט, v. preced. Pa. חַבֵּיט to shake, agitate. Targ. Y. Num. 25:8 (ed. Amst. Pe.) he shook (the spear). Targ. Esth. 6:1.Succ.44b ח׳ ח׳ ולאוכ׳ he shook it repeatedly but said no benediction. Ithpa. אִיחַבֵּט as preced. Nif. Keth.36b כולהו במי חַבּוּטֵי מִיחַבְּטֵי all girls (even if not blind) may receive a shock by falling.

    Jewish literature > חביט

  • 13 חֲבַט

    חֲבַט, חֲבֵיטch. sam(חבט to use force), 1) to knock; to strike, punish. Targ. O. Deut. 24:20. Targ. Jud. 6:11. Targ. Is. 28:27 (Regia: מְחַבְּטִין Pa.).Targ. Prov. 28:3 מטרא חָבֵיטָא (not חֲבִיטָא) a prostrating rain (h. text סחף). Y.Sabb.XVII, 16b top דו חָבֵיט ביה; Y.Bets. I, 60c חֲבַט, v. זַיָּירָא.Gen. R. s. 7, a. e. חֲבוֹט חבטך, v. חֲבָטָא. B. Bath.58a חֲבוֹטוּ (not חובטו), v. חֲבִיטָא. 2) to throw down. Y.Snh.VI, 23c top חַבְטִין תורא בחילא Ash. to Ḥull.51a (ed. בחייליה) threw an ox down with force (before slaughtering).Part. pass. חְבִיט, f. חֲבִיטָא prostrated. Keth.10a מברכתא ח׳ ליה is Mabrakhta (i. e. all the women of ill repute of M.) prostrated before him (so that he is an expert in such matters)? Y.Sabb.VIII, 11b bot. בחביט, v. preced. Pa. חַבֵּיט to shake, agitate. Targ. Y. Num. 25:8 (ed. Amst. Pe.) he shook (the spear). Targ. Esth. 6:1.Succ.44b ח׳ ח׳ ולאוכ׳ he shook it repeatedly but said no benediction. Ithpa. אִיחַבֵּט as preced. Nif. Keth.36b כולהו במי חַבּוּטֵי מִיחַבְּטֵי all girls (even if not blind) may receive a shock by falling.

    Jewish literature > חֲבַט

  • 14 חֲבֵיט

    חֲבַט, חֲבֵיטch. sam(חבט to use force), 1) to knock; to strike, punish. Targ. O. Deut. 24:20. Targ. Jud. 6:11. Targ. Is. 28:27 (Regia: מְחַבְּטִין Pa.).Targ. Prov. 28:3 מטרא חָבֵיטָא (not חֲבִיטָא) a prostrating rain (h. text סחף). Y.Sabb.XVII, 16b top דו חָבֵיט ביה; Y.Bets. I, 60c חֲבַט, v. זַיָּירָא.Gen. R. s. 7, a. e. חֲבוֹט חבטך, v. חֲבָטָא. B. Bath.58a חֲבוֹטוּ (not חובטו), v. חֲבִיטָא. 2) to throw down. Y.Snh.VI, 23c top חַבְטִין תורא בחילא Ash. to Ḥull.51a (ed. בחייליה) threw an ox down with force (before slaughtering).Part. pass. חְבִיט, f. חֲבִיטָא prostrated. Keth.10a מברכתא ח׳ ליה is Mabrakhta (i. e. all the women of ill repute of M.) prostrated before him (so that he is an expert in such matters)? Y.Sabb.VIII, 11b bot. בחביט, v. preced. Pa. חַבֵּיט to shake, agitate. Targ. Y. Num. 25:8 (ed. Amst. Pe.) he shook (the spear). Targ. Esth. 6:1.Succ.44b ח׳ ח׳ ולאוכ׳ he shook it repeatedly but said no benediction. Ithpa. אִיחַבֵּט as preced. Nif. Keth.36b כולהו במי חַבּוּטֵי מִיחַבְּטֵי all girls (even if not blind) may receive a shock by falling.

    Jewish literature > חֲבֵיט

  • 15 כפף

    כָּפַף(b. h.) 1) to bend, curve. Gen. R. s. 87, end כּוֹפֶפֶת אני את קומתך … כְּפוּפִים (Potiphars wife said to Joseph) I shall bend thy proud stature (humiliate thee with slave labor); said he, The Lord erects those who are bowed down. B. Kam.55b הכּוֹפֵף … בפניוכ׳ he who bends his neighbors grain stalks before the fire (so as to make them catch fire). Num. R. s. 6, beg. נביא כופף ידיווכ׳ the prophet must bend his hands and feet to sit before (surrender his power to) the high priest; (Y.Hor.III, 48b bot. מְכַפֵּת). Cant. R. beg. לָכוֹף אזניךוכ׳ to bend thy ear and listen; a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּף, f. כְּפוּפָה, pl. כְּפוּפִים, כְּפוּפִין; כְּפוּפוֹת. Sabb.17a היה הלל כ׳ ויושבוכ׳ Hillel sat bent (in submission) before Shammai. Gen. R. l. c., v. supra. R. Hash. III, 4 בשל זכרים כ׳ with bent horns of rams. Yalk. Ex. 276 דוויםוכ׳ suffering and humbled (v. סָגַף, סָחַף); a. fr.Esp. the curved letters צ, פ, נ, כ, opp. פשוט the straight-lined, the shape of the final letters. Sabb.104a (symbolization of letters) נו״ן כ׳ … נ̇אמן כ׳וכ׳ Nun bent, Nun straightened, faithful when bent (in distress), faithful when straightened (raised up) Ib. 103b כ׳ פשוטיןוכ׳ that one must not write the curved letters straightened 2) to bend, force, conquer. Y.Snh.I, 18a bot. מומחה שכ׳ ודן an authorized judge that forced (the law requiring three judges) and judged singly. Y.Yeb.XII, 12c ר׳ יצחק כ׳ R. J. forced (the law requiring three judges for ḥălitsah); ib. הא רבן כ׳ it was our teacher who did it. Keth.4b אין … לָכוֹףוכ׳ no husband dares force his wife (in mourning) to paint Num. R. s. 14 (play on כף) זה אברהם שכַּף את יצרווכ׳ (some ed. שכפף) that refers to Abraham who conquered his inclinations 3) to invert, upset. Y.Ber.III, 6a top גרמתני לכוֹפְפָהּ thou didst cause me to upset it (the divine image), v. כָּפָה; (M. Kat. 15b ובעונותיכם הפכתיה). Y. l. c. מטות כְּפוּפוֹת = כְּפוּיוֹת, v. כָּפָה; a. fr.(Num. R. s. 10 כפפתו אימו, read כפתתו, v. כָּפַת.Sabb.106a הסיט כפוף Ar., ed. כָּפוּל, v. סיט. 4) to bend ones self upon, to take pains (cmp. כְּפַל). Cant. R. to I, 17 כפפתי לעקורוכ׳ I took pains to destroy the passion for idolatry. Nif. נִכְפַּף to be bent. Pesik. R. s. 28 (read:) עד שנִכְפְּפָה קומתםוכ׳ so that their statures were bent under their load. Arakh.19a שרביט שאינו נכפף a staff (of gold or silver) which cannot be bent. Num. R. s. 5, end נִכְפְּפָה היריעהוכ׳ the curtain around the Ark was bent aside (prob. to be read נכפלה). B. Kam.61a בנִכְפֶּפֶת when the fire is diverted from its course through the wind; (oth. opin.: when the fire is subdued (low) and creeping over the plants on the ground), opp. קולחת or קודחת. Cant. R. to I, 17. Pesik. R. s. 14 שתי השערות נִכְפָּפוֹת (not … פים) the two hairs (on the neck) are bent, opp. נזקפות; a. e.

    Jewish literature > כפף

  • 16 כָּפַף

    כָּפַף(b. h.) 1) to bend, curve. Gen. R. s. 87, end כּוֹפֶפֶת אני את קומתך … כְּפוּפִים (Potiphars wife said to Joseph) I shall bend thy proud stature (humiliate thee with slave labor); said he, The Lord erects those who are bowed down. B. Kam.55b הכּוֹפֵף … בפניוכ׳ he who bends his neighbors grain stalks before the fire (so as to make them catch fire). Num. R. s. 6, beg. נביא כופף ידיווכ׳ the prophet must bend his hands and feet to sit before (surrender his power to) the high priest; (Y.Hor.III, 48b bot. מְכַפֵּת). Cant. R. beg. לָכוֹף אזניךוכ׳ to bend thy ear and listen; a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּף, f. כְּפוּפָה, pl. כְּפוּפִים, כְּפוּפִין; כְּפוּפוֹת. Sabb.17a היה הלל כ׳ ויושבוכ׳ Hillel sat bent (in submission) before Shammai. Gen. R. l. c., v. supra. R. Hash. III, 4 בשל זכרים כ׳ with bent horns of rams. Yalk. Ex. 276 דוויםוכ׳ suffering and humbled (v. סָגַף, סָחַף); a. fr.Esp. the curved letters צ, פ, נ, כ, opp. פשוט the straight-lined, the shape of the final letters. Sabb.104a (symbolization of letters) נו״ן כ׳ … נ̇אמן כ׳וכ׳ Nun bent, Nun straightened, faithful when bent (in distress), faithful when straightened (raised up) Ib. 103b כ׳ פשוטיןוכ׳ that one must not write the curved letters straightened 2) to bend, force, conquer. Y.Snh.I, 18a bot. מומחה שכ׳ ודן an authorized judge that forced (the law requiring three judges) and judged singly. Y.Yeb.XII, 12c ר׳ יצחק כ׳ R. J. forced (the law requiring three judges for ḥălitsah); ib. הא רבן כ׳ it was our teacher who did it. Keth.4b אין … לָכוֹףוכ׳ no husband dares force his wife (in mourning) to paint Num. R. s. 14 (play on כף) זה אברהם שכַּף את יצרווכ׳ (some ed. שכפף) that refers to Abraham who conquered his inclinations 3) to invert, upset. Y.Ber.III, 6a top גרמתני לכוֹפְפָהּ thou didst cause me to upset it (the divine image), v. כָּפָה; (M. Kat. 15b ובעונותיכם הפכתיה). Y. l. c. מטות כְּפוּפוֹת = כְּפוּיוֹת, v. כָּפָה; a. fr.(Num. R. s. 10 כפפתו אימו, read כפתתו, v. כָּפַת.Sabb.106a הסיט כפוף Ar., ed. כָּפוּל, v. סיט. 4) to bend ones self upon, to take pains (cmp. כְּפַל). Cant. R. to I, 17 כפפתי לעקורוכ׳ I took pains to destroy the passion for idolatry. Nif. נִכְפַּף to be bent. Pesik. R. s. 28 (read:) עד שנִכְפְּפָה קומתםוכ׳ so that their statures were bent under their load. Arakh.19a שרביט שאינו נכפף a staff (of gold or silver) which cannot be bent. Num. R. s. 5, end נִכְפְּפָה היריעהוכ׳ the curtain around the Ark was bent aside (prob. to be read נכפלה). B. Kam.61a בנִכְפֶּפֶת when the fire is diverted from its course through the wind; (oth. opin.: when the fire is subdued (low) and creeping over the plants on the ground), opp. קולחת or קודחת. Cant. R. to I, 17. Pesik. R. s. 14 שתי השערות נִכְפָּפוֹת (not … פים) the two hairs (on the neck) are bent, opp. נזקפות; a. e.

    Jewish literature > כָּפַף

  • 17 כרח

    כָּרַח(v. כְּרַהּ a. כָּרַךְ) to be tied, narrowed in.Denom. כֹּרַח. Hif. הִכְרִיחַ to force, subdue. Gen. R. s. 75, beg. (ref. to הכריעהו, Ps. 17:13) הַכְרִיחֵהוּוכ׳ force him down on the scale of guilt, break his resistance; (Yalk. Gen. 130 הכריעהו). Cant. R. to IV, 12 אם בנפשותן הן מַכְרִיחִיןוכ׳ (not בעשותן) if they did violence to their souls, how much more ; (Pesik. Bshall p. 82b> שליטין).

    Jewish literature > כרח

  • 18 כָּרַח

    כָּרַח(v. כְּרַהּ a. כָּרַךְ) to be tied, narrowed in.Denom. כֹּרַח. Hif. הִכְרִיחַ to force, subdue. Gen. R. s. 75, beg. (ref. to הכריעהו, Ps. 17:13) הַכְרִיחֵהוּוכ׳ force him down on the scale of guilt, break his resistance; (Yalk. Gen. 130 הכריעהו). Cant. R. to IV, 12 אם בנפשותן הן מַכְרִיחִיןוכ׳ (not בעשותן) if they did violence to their souls, how much more ; (Pesik. Bshall p. 82b> שליטין).

    Jewish literature > כָּרַח

  • 19 סתמא

    סְתָמָאch. sam( סְתָם m. (preced.) closing up). B. Bath.61b אי אמר ליה ארעתא ס׳ if he said to him, fields (I sell thee), without any further qualification. B. Mets.81b הנח ס׳ ‘put it down without anything else (instead of הנח לפני or הנח לפניך); הא ס׳ ולא כלום from which we deduce that if he said merely, ‘put it down, he has said nothing. Ib. 15a, a. fr. ס׳ דמילתא ordinarily. B. Bath.4a הא ס׳ אין מחייבין אותו but where there is no distinct usage in that respect, we do not force him; a. fr.Yeb.42b ס׳ דמתניתן ומחלוקתוכ׳ if the Mishnah states an opinion anonymously (as undisputed), and the Boraitha records differences; ס׳ בברייתאוכ׳ where the Boraitha states an undisputed opinion; a. v. fr.Sabb.157a ר״י ס׳ אחרינא אשכח R. J. found another ruling opinion of R. S. without having his name attached to it.Y.Bets. IV, 62c bot. סְתוּמָה, v. סָתַם.

    Jewish literature > סתמא

  • 20 סְתָמָא

    סְתָמָאch. sam( סְתָם m. (preced.) closing up). B. Bath.61b אי אמר ליה ארעתא ס׳ if he said to him, fields (I sell thee), without any further qualification. B. Mets.81b הנח ס׳ ‘put it down without anything else (instead of הנח לפני or הנח לפניך); הא ס׳ ולא כלום from which we deduce that if he said merely, ‘put it down, he has said nothing. Ib. 15a, a. fr. ס׳ דמילתא ordinarily. B. Bath.4a הא ס׳ אין מחייבין אותו but where there is no distinct usage in that respect, we do not force him; a. fr.Yeb.42b ס׳ דמתניתן ומחלוקתוכ׳ if the Mishnah states an opinion anonymously (as undisputed), and the Boraitha records differences; ס׳ בברייתאוכ׳ where the Boraitha states an undisputed opinion; a. v. fr.Sabb.157a ר״י ס׳ אחרינא אשכח R. J. found another ruling opinion of R. S. without having his name attached to it.Y.Bets. IV, 62c bot. סְתוּמָה, v. סָתַם.

    Jewish literature > סְתָמָא

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  • force — force1 W1S3 [fo:s US fo:rs] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(military)¦ 2¦(military action)¦ 3¦(violence)¦ 4¦(physical power)¦ 5¦(natural power)¦ 6¦(organized group)¦ 7¦(strong influence)¦ 8¦(powerful effect)¦ 9 join/combine forces (with somebody/something) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • force — force1 [ fɔrs ] noun *** ▸ 1 physical strength ▸ 2 group of police, etc. ▸ 3 influence ▸ 4 scientific effect ▸ 5 military ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount physical strength or violence: They accused the police of using excessive force during the arrest.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • force — 1 noun 1 MILITARY a) (C) a group of people who have been trained to fight in a war: forces loyal to President Aquino | a highly efficient fighting force b) the forces the army, navy, and air force: Both her sons are in the forces. c) (U) military …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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